Facets 3.83.6 3-15-2021; 3.83.5 1-15-2021; 3.83.4 11-14-2020; 3.83.3 7-13-2020; 3.83.2 4-7-2020; 3.83.1 3-10-2020; 3.83.0 11-14-2019
- 3.83.6 Bug fix: Crash when outputting Table for Binomial Trials or Poisson rating scales
- 3.83.5 Enhancement: for big files, now reports the count of observations input so far at the end of each line of .... in the Analysis window.
..................... 107891
- 3.83.5 Bug fix: Left=Yes and Table 7: Table 7, the measure table, was slightly misformatted when the element labels were output to the left of the statistics.
- 3.83.5 Bug fix: Analysis window: "Invalid use of null" crash when copying from the analysis window.
- 3.83.4 Enhancement: Table 5 option to compute Pearson Chi-squared degrees of freedom: Pearsondf=Yes. Time-consuming for large datasets.
- 3.83.4 Enhancement: Scorefile= Field Selection Box: option to put element number first on the left side of the output data line
- 3.83.4 Bug fix: Table 5 overflow failure for large datasets
- 3.83.4 Bug fix: Table 14 now displays "No pairwise terms" when there are none available to report
- 3.83.4 Bug fix: Warning (10) "No elements in facet" message was displayed when not approriate
- 3.83.3 Enhancement: Table 4 unexpected responses. Sequence number of observation in data file added.
- 3.83.3 Enhancement: Table 8 logit displacements shown for Anchored or not-converged thresholds
- 3.83.3 Enhancement: Table 8 Andrich threshold values displayed for Binomial Trials and Poisson Counts models
- 3.83.3 Enhancement: Table 8 - heading "Steps" changed to "Thresh" (Andrich Thresholds)
- 3.83.3 Enhancement: Table 13, 14 dialog box: report bias/interaction for only one element
- 3.83.3 Enhancement: Reversedscoring = No for asymmetric scoring of reversed facets
- 3.83.3 Enhancement: Residual/Response file: includes Most Probable Category (MPCat) for the observation
- 3.83.3 Bug fix: Table 8 - tweak to Binomial Trials/Poisson Count threshold estimation
- 3.83.3 Bug fix: Residual file: blank element numbers now reported as the null element number
- 3.83.3 Bug fix: Output Files menu: Winsteps file: "out of memory"
- 3.83.3 Bug fix: Data file: close data file if an error
- 3.83.2 Enhancement / Bug fix: Graphfile=, Residualfile=, Scorefile=, Output Files menu: File formats actioned: Excel *.xls, R Statistics *.rdata, SPSS *.sav
- 3.83.2 Enhancement: Models= facet code "@" for facets that are only referenced in Dvalues=, but are not used for measurement.
- 3.83.2 Enhancement: Table 4 unexpected observations: now has sequence number of observation in data
- 3.83.2 Revision: Table 5 global chi-squared - now Pearson with d.f. by simulation
- 3.83.2 Bug fix: CSV= only applies to text files
- 3.83.2 Bug fix: permanent score files not deleted
- 3.83.1 Enhancement and bug fix: omit Labels= and Facets will create the full list of element labels in Table 2.
- 3.83.0 Enhancement: Output Files menu: Graph file, Residual file, Score file: all output to R Statistics (new), Text, Excel, SPSS
- 3.83.0 Enhancement: Output Files menu: "Specification settings" output current settings of all Facets specifications
- 3.83.0 Enhancement: Residual file: column headings: E1, E2, .. for the element numbers, M1, M2, ... for the element measures
- 3.83.0 Bug fix: Data=: data from R statistics .rdata file. Sometimes R Statistics not found, though installed
Facets 3.83.0 11-14-2019
- Enhancement: Output Files menu: Graph file, Residual file, Score file: all output to R Statistics (new), Text, Excel, SPSS
- Enhancement: Output Files menu: "Specification settings" output current settings of all Facets specifications
- Enhancement: Residual file: column headings: E1, E2, .. for the element numbers, M1, M2, ... for the element measures
- Bug fix: Data=: data from R statistics .rdata file. Sometimes R Statistics not found, though installed
Facets 3.82.3 10-16-2019; 3.82.2 09-02-2019; 3.82.1 08-15-2019; 3.82.0 08-14-2019
- 3.82.3 UTF8encoded = Yes/No/? allows user to specify the encoding of the specification and data files
- 3.82.3 UTF8substitute = "." specifies the character to replace a UTF-8 character, when that character cannot be displayed
- 3.82.3 Bug fix: Residualfile= field selection now works for SPSS files
- 3.82.3 Bug fix: Crash when processing Korean element labels
- 3.82.3 Bug fix: Crash when constructing large Winsteps control and datafiles
- 3.82.2 Bug fix: Occasional crash reading files
- 3.82.1 Bug fix: Failure with multiple Rating Scale= instructions
- Enhancement: Chinese UTF-8 and other multi-byte characters in specification and output files: BOM allowed but not required
- Enhancement: Mac and UNIX end-of-line codes allowed: CR, LF, CRLF, LFCR
- Enhancement: Table 14: extreme scores indicated with >
- Enhancement: Table 14: can be produced from main analysis with many pairwise terms
- Enhancement: data values can be in quotes: 1 2 "3"
- Enhancement: UTF8sub= allows choice of substitute character when multibyte UTF-8 cannot be displayed
Facets 3.81.0 10-12-2018, 3.81.1 11-5-2018, 3.81.2 2-14-2019
- 3.81.2 Enhancement: Output Files, Subset File: identify each element with only one subset for group-anchoring
- 3.81.1 Bug fix: Table 14 bias/interaction: correction to computation for Welch degrees of freedom
- 3.81.1 Enhancement: Tables 13, 14 bias/interaction: extreme scores for groups indicated by "<" (extreme: minimum possible) and ">" (extreme: maximum possible)
- Enhancement: Scorefile= includes Infit and Outfit chi-squares, d.f., and probabilities, together with mean-squares
- Enhancement: Boxshow=No removes boxes from around Tables, making Tables easier to import into Excel, etc.
- Enhancement: Models=, Labels=, Data=: fractional weights, such as 1/3 instead of 0.333, makes weighting more exact
- Enhancement: Data=, remove " " and ' ' from data simplifying using element labels in data
- Bug fix: Table 13, 14: correction to bias estimates for locally extreme scores
- Bug fix: Specification file, Data file: better detection of invalid input file formats (Unicode, RTF, etc.)
- Bug fixes/adjustments: minor annoyances and malfunctions corrected
Facets 3.80.1 7-27-2017 + 3.80.2 9-26-2017 + 3.80.3 10-30-2017 + 3.80.4 3-10-2018
- Bug fix: failure outputting files in SPSS format
- Bug fix: some "Check" messages written twice to ouput file
- Bug fix 3.80.2: infinite loop with _ in element labels. (Work around for earlier Facets: replace _ with -)
- Bug fix 3.80.3: incorrect expiry data in 3.80.2
- Bug fix 3.80.4: occasional crash when drawing graphs
- Bug fix 3.80.4: incorrect formatting of Table 8 for unobserved categories
- Bug fix 3.80.4: STATA versions after 13 not supports. In STATA: . saveold filename13, version(13)
Facets 3.80.1 7-27-2017 + 3.80.2 9-26-2017 + 3.80.3 10-30-2017.
- Bug fix: failure outputting files in SPSS format
- Bug fix: some "Check" messages written twice to ouput file
- Bug fix 3.80.2: infinite loop with _ in element labels. (Work around for earlier Facets: replace _ with -)
- Bug fix 3.80.3: incorrect expiry data in 3.80.2
Facets 3.80.0 3-15-2017.
- Enhancement: Output Tables menu: Table 5 added as an option
- Enhancement: Score file= "Sign" column: 1 for positive facets, -1 for negative-oriented facets
- Enhancement: Table 7: Orientation of measure shown by "+" or "-" above "Measure" in Table 7 headings
- Enhancement: Table 8: intermediate category with zero count with "Keep" has infinite threshold shown as "infin." - approximated by ≈40 in the Anchorfile= output file
- Workaround: Group-anchoring. If all elements in a group have extreme scores, then they are reported as "Unmeasureable". To report measures, add dummy data for those elements with very small weights to make data measureable.
- Informative: Anchorfile= output file: "Group anchor this facet and/or the other facets (please experiment to see what works):"
- Informative: DIF tables: "Welch" replaced by "Rasch-Welch"
- Informative: Output Warning (3)! This is NOT referenced by a Model= specification
- Bug fix: Analysis window: avoid occasional failure in a color-selection routine shown as "Invalid use of null"
- Bug fix: Labels= specificatio: When too many elements (millions!) appear to be specified, now reported as Error Code 77.
- Bug fix: Output Tables: very small chi-square values now reported as .0
- Bug fix: Score file= "Displace" - displacement oriented to match facet, so unanchored measured is (anchored measure+displacement)
- Bug fix: Specification: Interrater = rater facet, agreement facet, agreement facet, ..... now matches facets correctly
- Bug fix: Table 2: "List of unspecified elements" - when Facets detected unidentified elements in one facet, it sometimes reported unidentified elements in other facets incorrectly.
Facets 3.80.0 2-28-2016.
- Enhancement: Output Tables menu: Table 5 added as an option
- Enhancement: Score file= "Sign" column: 1 for positive facets, -1 for negative-oriented facets
- Enhancement: Table 7: Orientation of measure shown by "+" or "-" above "Measure" in Table 7 headings
- Enhancement: Table 8: intermediate category with zero count with "Keep" has infinite threshold shown as "infin." - approximated by ≈40 in the Anchorfile= output file
- Workaround: Group-anchoring. If all elements in a group have extreme scores, then they are reported as "Unmeasureable". To report measures, add dummy data for those elements with very small weights to make data measureable.
- Informative: Anchorfile= output file: "Group anchor this facet and/or the other facets (please experiment to see what works):"
- Informative: DIF tables: "Welch" replaced by "Rasch-Welch"
- Informative: Output Warning (3)! This is NOT referenced by a Model= specification
- Bug fix: Analysis window: avoid occasional failure in a color-selection routine shown as "Invalid use of null"
- Bug fix: Labels= specificatio: When too many elements (millions!) appear to be specified, now reported as Error Code 77.
- Bug fix: Output Tables: very small chi-square values now reported as .0
- Bug fix: Score file= "Displace" - displacement oriented to match facet, so unanchored measured is (anchored measure+displacement)
- Bug fix: Specification: Interrater = rater facet, agreement facet, agreement facet, ..... now matches facets correctly
- Bug fix: Table 2: "List of unspecified elements" - when Facets detected unidentified elements in one facet, it sometimes reported unidentified elements in other facets incorrectly.
Facets 3.71.4 1-22-2014.
- Enhancement: Anchor output file. List thresholds: ; Rasch-Andrich Thresholds = 0,-1.0,-0.5, 1.5
- Bug fix: display Warning 3 for unused, but specified, rating scales.
- Bug fix: overflow when loading observations for Interrater=, "Facets 3.71.3 failed at Facets 42300 : 6 Overflow"
- Bug fix: random restart of Facets after clicking on Cancel in message box
Facets 3.71.3 9-15-2013.
- Bug fix: at iteration 100 estimates may diverge
- Bug fix: Excel interface sometimes fails when plotting (winexcel.exe)
- Bug fix: Failure in subset detection: "Facets 3.71.2 failed at Facets 60570:6 overflow."
- Bug fix: Self-consistent subset numbering in all output
- Enhancement: Subsets=List: disjoint element listing in Table 6, but no subset rulers
- Enhancement: Warning (16) when element 0 appears to be active, but Keepasnull = 0
- Enhancement: Desktop shortcut is "Facets Rasch"
Facets 3.70.1 7-5-2012 - the download is labeled 3700, not 3701
Bug fixes:
- Bug fix: incomplete anchor output files when original specification file included; "Data = filename"
- Bug fix: incorrect computation of Total Score and Total Count in rare, extreme situations
- Bug fix: if last observation is missing with tabbed data, it is reported as "Error F30: Not enough responses for the range: deficit: 1"
- Bug fix: when an element is unspecified, sometimes the wrong element is reported as the unspecified one
Facets 3.70.0 6-26-2012
Major Enhancements:
- Enhancement: Data file: %filename includes files containing additional data
- Enhancement: Files menu: most-recently-used folders speed selection of specification files
- Enhancement: Specifications: Delements= gives better control over whether element identifiers in the data are element numbers (=N) or element laberls (=L) or both (=LN or =NL)
- Enhancement: Specifications: %filename includes files containing additional specifications or data
- Enhancement: Specifications: Rating Scale=: recode a range to a category, such as 4-20 to category 2, and 4.0-4.9 to category 4.
- Enhancement: Specifications: User-friendly rescaling of measures simplified with Uscale= and Udecimals=
- Tweak: Analysis window: "Directory" changed to "Folder"
- Tweak: Estimation menu: Newton-Raphson: clicking on OK immediately resumes estimation
- Tweak: Estimation: increased precision of computations can change the number of iterations to reach convergence
- Tweak: Estimation: anchor values skipped when checking convergence
- Tweak: Residual file: changed heading from "Logit" to "Measure" to allow for user-scaling (Umean=)
- Tweak: Residual file: measures displayed with user-scaling applied (Umean=)
- Tweak: Score file - decimal places for measure, S.E. and displacement set by Udecimals=
- Tweak: Specifications: Arrange=(nothing) suppresses output of Tables 7 and 14
- Tweak: Specifications: multiple data files allowed: Data = filename + filename + ... (or use included files: %filename)
- Tweak: Table 13: "Observed Average" score reported with two decimal places
- Tweak: Table 7: "Observed Average" score reported with two decimal places
- Tweak: Table 8: report "Used" as integers if no decimal weights
- Tweak: Table 8: show dichotomous anchor values (used for pivot anchoring)
Bug fixes
- Bug fix: Anchor file: eliminate stray "-1" in Rating Scale= definition
- Bug fix: Anchor file: includes Dvalues= specification
- Bug fix: Anchor file: Labels=, include group-numbers, if any
- Bug fix: Anchor file: rating scale thresholds output as starting values when no anchoring specified
- Bug fix: Data file: prevent overflow if there are more than 32676 element labels in Labels= to match with element identifiers in the data
- Bug fix: Estimation: no "Stop" message when estimates go out of range
- Bug fix: Estimation: prevent program hang due to internal timer conflicts
- Bug fix: Input and Output Files: correct processing of files in folders with suffixes in their folder names, e.g., c:\facets.folder\examples\exam0.txt
- Bug fix: Specifications: Labels=: prevent crash due to out-of-range facet number (bigger than Facets=)
- Bug fix: Specifications: prevent crash when matching element identifiers in Data= with elements in Labels=
- Bug fix: Subset detection: prevent when there are unassigned datapoints but all assigned datapoints are in one subset.
- Bug fix: Table 2: all invalid data values displayed
- Bug fix: Table 2: more accurate count of blank data lines.
- Bug fix: Table 7: omit Groups= table when not in Arrange=
- Bug fix: Table 7: Reliability computation. Corrected to always report 0.0 when the "true" variance is 0.0
- Bug fix: Table 8: more precise computation of "Expected Average Measure" and "Outfit Mean-Square" statistics for categories
- Bug fix: Tables 13, 14 and Excel Plots: DIF and DPF sizes in user-scaled units (UMEAN=)
- Bug fix: Tables 13, 14 and Excel Plots: correction to plotted points to match Tables 13 and 14
- Bug fix: Temporary work folder: robust against changes in Windows settings
- Bug fix: Winsteps control file output: correct datacodes in CODES=
Facets 3.68.0 - 6-5-2011, 3.68.1 - 7-27-2011
- Enhancement: (3.68.1): include element measures in residual file
- Bug fix: (3.68.1): corrected the failure to close all text windows when "Yes" clicked on exit
- Bug fix: (3.68.1): corrected computation of some Fair Average values
- Bug fix: (3.68.1): corrected Interrater=: memory overflow if more than 32,000 observations
- Bug fix: (3.68.1): corrected SPSS formatter: index out of range
- Bug fix: (3.68.1): do not report missing elements for ignored "X" facet
- Enhancement: allow data files bigger than 2GB (tested to 250,000,000 observations)
- Enhancement: increased precision of estimation to support bigger data files.
- Enhancement: faster processing when there are unspecified elements
- Enhancement: faster processing when element identifiers are element labels
- Enhancement: more flexibility for element identifiers that are part of element labels: Delements=
- Enhancement: weighting of elements supported. In Labels=
element number = element label, anchor value, group number, weight
- Enhancement: T4maximum = 0 suppresses Table 4, list of unexpected observations
- Enhancement: accomodate change to R-statistics version 2.12 folders
- Enhancement: Table 6 "rulers": SL displays full rating-scale category label from Rating-scale=
- Bug fix: corrected: Table 2, Labels=Build, now only reports unspecified elements in modeled facets
- Bug fix: corrected: program failure due to Entered= inconsistency
- Bug fix: corrected: program failure due to overflow in discrimination-estimation routine
- Bug fix: corrected: program failure due to overflow in estimate-out-of-range routine
- Bug fix: corrected: Table 8 rating-scale report: very large Observed-Expected residuals not displayed
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